Getting started with SYLVANT®

What is Sylvant®?

What is Sylvant

Sylvant® contains the active ingredient siltuximab, which is a biologic immunotherapy that suppresses the body’s immune system. It is highly targeted, which means that it only acts on a specific part of the immune system known as IL-6, which can often play a role in the development of iMCD.


Your immune system is controlled by biological signals that trigger a range of events that have knock on effects in the body – much like a chain reaction. In iMCD, the IL-6 part of your immune system is believed to be overactive, which can lead to the development of symptoms and the growth of disease.

Sylvant® aims to address this by doing the biological equivalent of bending a key to prevent it from fitting its lock. It binds very strongly to the IL-6 molecules (the keys) inside your body to prevent them from fitting in their receptors (the locks) and triggering the biological events that can lead to the growth of iMCD.


Gettign Started

There is nothing in particular that you need to prepare for treatment with Sylvant® as your doctor will have performed the necessary investigations to identify you as a suitable candidate for treatment.

What to expect with YOUR TREATMENT


Regular blood tests - you will be required to undergo blood tests before each dose of Sylvant® therapy for the first 12 months, and every third dosing cycle thereafter. Treatment may need to be delayed if your blood tests are abnormal or if you exhibit certain side effects.

1-hour infusion - Sylvant® is delivered by intravenous infusion (similar to a fluid drip) over the course of one hour, so you will need to be in a hospital for the duration.

You may wish to be accompanied by someone close to support you through your first treatment dose, but you may feel you do not need it as you start to become familiar with the treatment and it becomes a regular part of your life.

Every 3 weeks - treatment is to be repeated every 3 weeks. It is very important that you attend each appointment for your infusion, as missing or delaying a dose will reduce its effect.

Having a treatment calendar may help you to manage your treatments as part of your regular routine.

what are the

Like most medications, there can be side effects. Not everyone treated with Sylvant® will experience them. Sylvant® is generally well tolerated but some common side effects can include:

Joint pain

Joint pain




(such as a chest or throat infection)

Itchy skin

Itchy skin



Please refer to the Sylvant® Patient Information Leaflet for the full list of common side effects.

Let your doctor know if you experience any of these side effects, as they may be able to manage them for you.


Anaphylactic (allergic) reactions are rare, but they can occur in certain patients. These reactions will typically occur shortly after administration of the treatment and you are therefore likely to be in hospital.

If you begin to feel unwell at any point during treatment with Sylvant®, ensure that the attending healthcare professional is aware.


What can sylvant do for me

Sylvant® is the first and only approved therapy for iMCD in the US and Europe, and is recommended by international guidelines as the first line of therapy to treat your condition.

It aims to bring lymph node growth under control by reducing their size and in the best of cases, put iMCD into remission entirely.

What can sylvant do for me

If you respond well to treatment, you can expect a reduction in the severity of your symptoms, which will have a positive impact on your general wellbeing.

Remember that iMCD is a progressive condition, therefore treatment with Sylvant® will not cure it. However, it may be able to keep it at bay so you can live your life as normally as possible.

Treatment should be seen as a long term strategy that can help delay the progression of the disease for as long as possible.